Why? Only 3 letters and yet it has 3 billion and 1 explanations.

I may only be in high school but lately I feel like I have gotten so curious! The answers to my questions lie on the internet, something I have access to 24/7. So lately I have started googling “Why…etc” much more frequently! If I have a question I try and find the answer! I can’t say how awesome this week has been, I have gained a curiosity about life that seems endless, and honestly I love it! 

I urge you to Try This!!

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson


I must say never has a book interested me more than “Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson” , this book described in the fewest words is simply “AMAZING”. The book is inexpensive and is a great read, I honestly don’t read many books mainly just articles but this book has kept me reading for hours. I often go to Starbucks grab a grande peppermint mocha and relax with this book. Time seems to fly by and I don’t even notice I just become glued to this book! If you are just slightly interested in Steve Jobs or his life this book is perfect for you! I suggest you check it out it is definitely the best book I have possibly ever read. 

P90x for iPhone 4? Worth it!


So for a week now I’ve been using this app and I must say it is great! What really sold the app for me was that it help me exercise on the go! Since I am on my iphone all day long I can’t think of anything better than to have an instructor on it too. It costs 4.99 on the app store and is definitely worth it. Comes with reminders as well as a calorie counter to help you keep track of the number of calories consumed in one day. If your resolution is to workout more in 2012 but you are always on the go I say you should give this app a try, you will not be disappointed!

Buying A Laptop?

I recently bought myself a Lenovo V570 from BestBuy and I must say it is AMAZING!! I attend college to one day become a DBA (Database Administrator) so when it comes to computers I happen to know a thing or two.. Now I could very well bore you with facts but I’ll just list something’s that I feel are things you as a consumer need to look for

RAM- it is simply just memory your computer uses to complete Tasks the Lenovo I purchased comes with 6GB that is more than enough and I am looking to upgrade it to 8GB.

Disk Space- This most certainly varies depending on what you plan to use your PC for. I got a 750GB HD so that is enough for what I will be doing!

Keyboard layout- when purchasing a computer I felt that I needed to have a keyboard that was well spaced out, it would minimize the errors in my typing and as well as adding more comfort to my day to day tasks.

Feel- You might think oh a computer only needs to be powerful and fast and well yes I agree but the feel of the computer is as crucial as the amount of memory. If you buy a laptop that is basically plastic the feel is essentially cheap even though you may have spent hundreds of dollars on it!

Now for ports- Yes you may have your standard USB ports and your standard VGA ports but how about HDMI e-Sata ports and such these may not be useful to you at the moment but someday you might just need them.

So what my main point comes down to is that when buying a computer buy something that feels great and run great because these things aren’t cheap and you get what you pay for. Even though the Lenovo V570 I purchased was very close to 720 dollars with tax I must say it is well worth the price! The keyboard feels great and each key is spaced out so typing is a pleasant experience! It has an aluminum kind of body to it which does make it a bit heavy but the feel and look is perfect! It runs on a core i5 Intel 2nd generation processor so it is blazing fast!

If your out in the market for a new laptop I highly recommend you look at Lenovo’s I absolutely love mine!

Have Questions? Comments drop me a line at hugoflores.flores11@gmail.com


Review on Tech items!